Sunday, April 3, 2016

El Ayuntamiento

Hello again! It's been awhile since I've been able to post, but now it's time to get back into the swing of things. Just before spring break, my school had the opportunity to visit el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid. This building is basically the "city hall" but a little more important. This was a wonderful opportunity that we were not expecting because most people who live here in Valladolid do not have the opportunity to see inside this building, and the school that I attend has only had this chance one other time before.

El ayuntamiento is the central building and main focus within the Plaza Mayor. It is a beautiful building where all major municipal decisions are made. The interior of the building is absolutely incredible, and while there, we were able to see the main conference room, the "mayor's" personal office, as well as the room where things are voted on and the assembly meets.

The final thing that made this visit so amazing was that while there, we were able to meet the alcalde of Valladolid, or the mayor, although we didn't know who he was at first. This was an incredible moment and it was amazing to hear him speak to us (both in perfect English and Spanish) about the city that we've been studying in. Another plus about this little field trip was that it meant no school for the day! This was great because there were a lot of us that went to Portugal that weekend and we didn't get back until 7 that morning.

Here are some pictures:
Here is the main room within el Ayuntamiento.
Workin' hard! Haha, sitting in the mayor's seat was really fun.

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